In field
trip we went to the mountain chain of the coast 2000 msnm in the region of The
Lagos, where there were forests of Fitzroya
cupressoides that were burned, proving to be the teachers since I concern
the ecosystem the natural fire for high temperatures, in addition explaining to
us the type of soil that existed in the forest, which they were poor peat-bogs
in nitrogen with an acid PH, which is propitious for the growth of a very
interesting plant called Drosera uniflora
(Willd), This one is carnivorous plant, also called insectivorous plant, is a
plant that obtains part of his nutritional needs by means of the capture and
the consumption of insects by means of glands located in his leaves, which
secrete a sticky slime in the ends, these are used to capture and to retain
dams of insects, of which the plant obtains the nutrients that it cannot obtain
in sufficient quantities of the soil.
This type
of plant is everlasting, wants to say that he does not vote for his leaves in
autumn, has a flower of white color, with a size of 3 cm, the roots of this
plant must be inside a course of permanent water as edges of lakes, marshes,
between others, with a condition of light 100 % exposed to the Sun without any
protection, growing in flat or lateral parts of north exhibition.
Beads of Mucilage sticky of Drosera Uniflora (Willd)