martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Free post 2: "The National Reservation Llanquihue"

In this occasion it will tell them a bit on The National Reservation Llanquihue, because this year in summer we went to summer practice for the University of Chile, it was one of the experiences that more I am charmed with me, because not only we went to realize works but also to enjoying the beautiful landscape that delivers us the nature, I can say that I had the privilege of knowing her before the volcano was doing eruption.
This reservation is located in the Province of Llanquihue, X Region of The Lagos, it was created in 1912. It has an extension of 33.972 has and forms a part of the Reservation of the Biosphere Moderate Rainy Forests of the Austral Andes.

The reservation possesses a path enabled from the sector of White Rio, nearby to Lake I plate, that it allows to ascend up to the summit of the Volcano Calbuco, in the distance we delay ourselves four hours since during the tour we realized activities, but after having realized them we had a rest to estimate the incredible landscape.

The present vegetation in the reservation corresponds to the type “Siempreverde”, emphasizing species as the tepa, mañío, coihue, ulmo, larch and lenga. Between the fauna they emphasize the condor, the puma, the cat guiña, the pudú and the fox culpeo and fox chilla.

Volcano Calbuco

I leave a link them in order that they see part of the path that goes towards the volcano:

Good Bye!

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

A career-releated website

The web site that more often I visit is of the Chilean Corporation of the wood (CORMA), his link is, it visiting 3 times a week.

In this site I can find information related to the forest sector as for example, percentage of realized exports every year, which products export, to that countries him there is exported, that companies are associated with the item, as for the environment it is possible to find information about the benefits, Sustainable and biodiversity of the forests. Also is announced as the companies they interfere in the development of the education, culture, the housings and the productive promotion of the persons. 

For the mentioned previously this web site is because I like it, since it announces relevant information, which supports me informed and updated of the events in which the forest sector can meet involved in the country.

In addition there are field guides that I am interested as that of the ferns, briofitas, fungi, urban woodland, etc., these guides are like a dictionary of the species that they could find in our country, announcing his taxonomy, distribution along Chile, habitat, etc. 

It is quite friends ;P Bye!

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

A photograph I like

I they present my precious son, called Fabian, he is 5 years old, since every mom always the children of one are the best :P.

Good I could not avoid in putting more of a photo, since as a whole they do a grand image.

I like these photos because one sees as my son from baby to child, to position different funny faces, which make me happy very much on them having remembered, in addition were taken for my as it is growing. I like to see them when I am with a sorrow, because to look at her me all the moments remember the alone one in that it put these faces and towards other funny things as dancing, to sing, to fall, etc., both in familiar exits and in the house, in addition to see that as it is growing she has become a very agreeable and funny person.

Though as every child it has his skills, but before this the life makes us happy in every moment already be bad and good.

See you in the next blogs, Bye!